Saturday, March 1, 2008

The new baby!

Bet you were expecting pictures of Lizzie, but no these are the pics of my new baby I picked up this morning.

He's a Miniature American Eskimo pup. He has no name yet will have to watch him for a couple of days and see what he acts like.
I'm sure there will be many more pics to follow.


Louise said...

Oooh, so cute! I saw your post on about the puppy and had to come to your blog to see if there were photos. What a fluff-ball!

We have an Eskie, too, but never got to see her as a puppy since she was an adult rescue. Our is named Opal, after my birthstone.

Hope you come up with a name soon so you don't have to call her (him?), "Hey, you!" :)

Louise said...

Oh, I just scrolled further down and saw you have a grandbaby named Opal. Small world! We just love them bunches, don't we?
