Monday, March 2, 2009

a new project.

I have several new projects going on at the moment. And we have had a renewed interest in our house I hope this means that things are starting to go our way. Over the weekend we have had 2 new showings not sure if its because it warming up or because things within the financial sector are starting to open up but either way we are happy about it.
I am in the process of building my own forum. I have been looking for a place to go to meet up with others like myself who have multiple interests. Who love to meet new people. Who want to discuss more than one subject.
I have found Art forums. I have found Literature forums. I have found news forums. And I have found friends forums. While all I have visited have been great they are all directed to one specific subject. I wanted a forum that had numerous subjects that I could enjoy. Something with a positive attitude. and people who are doing more diverse things. So in my searching I was unable to find what I was looking for and decided to build my own. I have it up and running and will be posting the address her very soon. I need to figure out how everything works so that I can help new members.
I am adding new rooms and if anybody has suggestions I would love to hear from you.
The name of the new forum is the Chatty Chicks Cafe and everybody is welcome. You will have to register in order to participate. It is a public forum but moderated. which means no name calling, no ugly things or your posts will be removed and you will be banned from the site. We are looking for happy, creative, intelligent, funny, hard working women who want to connect to others who are like them.
I will post more details soon
