Thursday, December 14, 2006

exercise for Odin.

So as you know from yesterday Odin has been a little crazy from, one lack of exercise and two a dramatic change in his routine, So last night I had a bright idea, I thought, why not put Odin on the treadmill and give him a walk, how hard could it be right? I think I would of exuded less energy in just getting dressed and taking him for a walk. See although he looks like a dog in many ways he is still very much a puppy and everything scares him, new noises, a bag blowing in the bushes that sort of thing, oh and apparently the sound that the treadmill itself makes. So as long as the treadmill was off he was like ok moms sitting on this thing I'll get my two front feet on it, or as he likes to do his back two feet and butt on it but never the whole dog at one time and the whole time he's doing this he's biting my arm, jumping over me and the treadmill and in general having a good time ( me on the floor to him means play time) so as I think I am finally going to get him on the darn thing my hubby hits the run button and on comes the treadmill sliding me onto the floor and sending Odin into a panic, which means alot of Jumping (not on the treadmill) from the bed to the floor, alot of barking, whining, and talking on his part and no way after that could I of got him near it, I laughed so hard I had no energy left to even try, so I gave up for the night, After all of this him and I were exhausted and crawled into bed him for a nap me for some quiet time.

I am going to try the treadmill thing again just next time will use his halter and leash.

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