Thursday, January 26, 2012


Those that know me know that I have 3 dogs. I joke all of the time that I just replaced the kids as they moved out with a dog so I still have 3 babies these just don't get as  mouthy.
My kids claim Odie is the little brother they never wanted. That should tell you how spoiled these dogs are.
So yesterday was a typical Morning, Hubby was home and we were working on some art things. Hubby was in and out,  over to the storage shed and the garage, And somehow managed to leave the gate open.
Usually at this point in this story you would think we were going to talk about Odie as he has been the one over the years that has caused so much chaos in our lives. He is the one who ran through the bob wire fence chasing the deer and had to get stitches. He's the one who has jumped out the car window to chase rabbits. He's the one who tested his electronic collar daily waiting for the batteries to be dead so he could disappear for hours at a time.
But this time it was Cheeto. That cute little dog who never does anything wrong. The one who you just want to pick up and cuddle because he is so cuddly.
Anyways, Hubby let the dogs out and went back to his project. After a while ( I was beading and he was doing some stained glass so we are not sure how long) We realized that the dogs hadn't whined to come back in. This is unusual as Cheeto has no hair and freezes fairly quickly in the winter months.
Hubby got up and checked and to his surprise Odie and Rocky were both still in the yard but Cheeto was gone.
We headed out and checked the property calling and calling and nothing. I walked over the Apartments that are east of us and talked to the guys working there and they hadn't seen him.
Then I walked the neighbor hood hoping to see him somewhere. In the meantime Hubby got in the truck and started driving around hoping to see the little guy (shit).
We searched and called and called and searched. I had just about given up when I spotted the little guy (shit) across the gulch over towards the trailer court. I called him but I think he was to freaked out to come back across the gulch.
I didn't dare go down in and cross for fear that I would loose sight of him and he would disappear while I couldn't see him, And hubby was still out driving around.
Lucky for me some very nice people stopped and tried to catch the little guy (shit) but he wouldn't let them get close.
They offered to keep an eye on him till I could get over there. I ran to the truck and drove over there he had run from the guy who stopped but when I walked over and called him he came right to me.
I was never so happy ( Lucky for him because it kept me from spanking the little shit ). He is such a small dog that it would of been very easy for someone to pick him up and we would of never seen him again.
Hubby has now taken the vow to make sure he closes the gate and as for Cheeto he is going in to get neutered. lol that should be just punishment for him.

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